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Haibike Flyon Skybeamer 300 Magnetic Top Cap

This is the OEM Haibike FLYON Sky Beamer Top Cover Plate for for all Haibike FLYON models with the SkyBeamer front lights.
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OEM Haibike Skybeamer mounting bracker

The rubber plug is clicked into place at the dropout and is for the trailer hitch point.
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This is the O.E.M replacement seals & screws for the Flyon display and remote.
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Haibike FLYON OEM Side Prop Stand Mount fits all Flyon models. All FLYON Models, HardSeven 9 & 10, HardNine 9 & 10, Trekking 9 & 10. Works with...
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A newly developed speed sensor disc sends 18 signals per rotation of the wheel to the system and measures the speed 18 times more accurately than any other...

This is the O.E.M replacement lower battery cover for all Flyon models. Multiple Colours Available to order

£34.99 £27.99
This Is the O.E.M Replacement motor cover for All Flyons. (Does not include bolts)
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XLC MRS cable lock The XLC MR-S03 Lock is for Haibike/Winora/Koga models with ModularRailSystem.The MRS-system enables quick and easy mounting of...
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